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middle manager 中層經理〔負責執行具體任務而不參與全局性的決策〕。

middle piece

Among these , the performance evaluation and donating proper quantities with stock option to employees are emphasizes in this thesis . on the foundation of analysis the problems about enterprise performance evaluation system , we combined the actual conditions of wuhan iron and steel group corp , brought up the thinking of performance evaluation about middle managers , and established the performance evaluation indexes system 其中,第五章中的績效評估和股票期權贈與數量的確定是本文的研究重點,文中在分析企業績效評估制度存在的問題的基礎上,結合武鋼的實際情況,提出中層管理人員績效評估思路,并建立績效評估指標體系。

The content of this article includes : first of all , analyzing the characteristic of the middle manager on the basis of motivatng in enterprises insufficiently , according dandura ’ triadic reciprocal determinism , setting up the middle manager ’ s global motivation frame , and paying attention to self - encouragement which is ignored in motivation study in the past . through past self - encouragement retrospect and summary that study and combine psychological theory detailed self - structure and motivation self - analysis , we set up three cross self - encouragement system model , probe into self - motivation and the relationship between outside motivation and self - motivation . finally , we combine the middle - manager ’ s actual conditions and characteristic to build and construct the whole motivation system based on psychoanalysis , and dissect characteristic and motivation design principle of the motivation system 本論文的大體內容包括:首先,在分析中層管理者的特征和其在企業中激勵不足的基礎上,根據社會認知心理學大師班杜拉的三元交叉模型建立中層管理者激勵的整體框架,并進一步關注于以往激勵研究中所忽視的對被激勵主體特征的探究,提出了應該重視主體的自我激勵的觀點,并通過對以往的自我激勵的相關研究的回顧和總結以及結合心理學理論中詳細的自我結構和自我激勵過程的分析,建立了三元交叉模型下的自我激勵體系,并探究了自我激勵與外部激勵的關系以及外部激勵的內化問題。

Very often , the suggestions that middle managers make to top managers can dramatically increase organizational performance , as we explain in chapter 8 . a major part of the middle manager ' s job is to develop and fine - tune skills and know - how , such as manufacturing or marketing expertise , that allow the organization to be efficient and effective 中層管理者工作職責的一個主要部分就是發展、改進工作中的某項專長和技能,如生產專長、營銷專長等,使組織具有更高的效率和更好的效果。

The cicc was introduced in the late 1970s to meet the needs of icac chief investigators - i . e . middle managers involved in the supervision , direction and control of frontline investigating officers , or heads of operational support units 為配合總調查主任的培訓計劃,廉署于70年代后期舉辦首屆總調查主任指揮課程。總調查主任屬廉署中層管理人員,負責監督、帶領及管理前線調查人員,亦有擔任行動支援小組的主管。

This kit covers business plans for every stage ( and every type ) of business : e - business , sole proprietorships , small businesses , service companies , high - tech companies , non - profits - - even business plans for middle managers and restructuring a company 此套紀念封業務計劃的每一個階段(每類)業務:電子商務,獨資企業,小企業,服務公司,高科技公司,非利潤-甚至商業計劃中層經理和重組公司。

The innovations of this thesis lie in setting up middle managers “ performance evaluation indexes system , introducing call option thought to evaluate human resource value , and confirming the proper stock option quantities that will be sent to employees 本文的創新點在于建立中層管理人員績效評估指標體系,引入看漲期權思想,對人力資源價值進行計量,并確定適當的股票期權贈與數量。

Our mission is to prepare young people like you to become supervisors and eventually middle managers in one of these sectors . if you are looking for an operational management career in the service industry , we offer eight full - time courses 為配合這三個行業對中層管理人員的需求,本系開辦了八項全日制課程,為年青人提供專業訓練,使他們日后可以投身服務行業,成為管理人才。

The head of manufacturing quickly found that he had no time to supervise computer assembly , so he recruited manufacturing middle managers from other companies to assume this responsibility 生產經理很快發現自己沒有時間親自監督電腦的組裝過程了,因此,他就必須從其他公司招聘一些生產部門的中層管理者來承擔這一職責。

To increase efficiency , middle managers find ways to ways to help first - line managers and non - managerial employees better utilize resources to reduce manufacturing costs or improve customer service 為了提高效率,中層管理者要想方設法幫助基層管理者和非管理層員工更好地利用資源,以降低生產成本或者改進顧客服務。

Often these decisions will evoke questions of an ethical dimension . but in empowering the middle managers in the decision - making process , has the top management fully prepared their managers for the ethical challenges 在賦予中層人員決策權的同時,管理階層又有否提供足夠培訓,令他們可以面對誠信管理方面的挑戰?

Performance appraisal for the middle managers is to check out their achievement and ability in their jobs , and to get the correct result to their performance appraisal 中層管理人員績效考評就是對他們日常工作中表現出的工作業績和各項能力進行考評,以期得到一個公平公正、準確合理的考評結果。

Heads of department and other academic middle managers form a “ thick layer of cloud “ frustrating change and progress , according to human resources heads and vice - chancellors 在英國大學里,根據副校長和人事主任們的說法,系主任和其他中級學術主管共同形成一層厚云,讓改變革新窒礙難行。

To increase efficiency , middle managers find ways to help first - line managers and non - managerial employees better utilize resources to reduce manufacturing costs or improve customer service 為了改進效果,中層管理者要評估組織所追求的目標是否適當,并向高層管理者建議改變目標的方法。

Middle managers make the thousands of specific decisions about the production of goods and services : which first - line supervisors should be chosen for this particular project 中層管理者還需要就產品和服務的生產做出成千上萬的具體決策:哪些基層管理者可以負責某個特定的項目?

The middle management is the main power of the company . a lot of employable middle managers are necessary for the company to satisfy the requirement of the development 企業中層管理人員是企業的中堅力量,企業的發展需要大量稱職的中層管理人員來支撐。

In study iv with concurrent design , we investigated validity of compatibility and structured interview as a part of competence assessment for middle managers in a company 研究四采用同時設計,考察相容檢驗和結構化面試效度,比較情景面試和行為特征。

When junior and middle managers attending management training programmes are asked about their civil service career , they remember vividly the times when 初級和中級管理人員在參加管理訓練課程時,被問及他們的工作時,他們清楚記得以下難忘的經驗:

One unskilled american middle manager observed , “ it ' s tough choreographing a ballet when you ' ve been trained as a boxer . 一個不熟練的美國中級經理評論說: “當你已經被訓練成拳擊家時,是很難設計芭蕾舞的舞蹈動作的。 ”

As just discussed , organizations normally have three levels of management : first - line managers , middle managers , and top managers 正如上面所討論的,組織一般有三個管理層級:基層管理者、中層管理者和高層管理者。